October, Why Worth to Expect

October! What a rare moment to post! Nothing much to post here, but I have to tell you that this month, is full of somewhat highly expected movies!

For those who desperately wanna see Brad Pitt's action or Megan Fox's body would smile!
This month on Indonesia:

Berikut jadwal beberapa film yang akan tayang di blitzmegaplex

Interesting isn't it? Some of those interesting movies gonna be released exclusively on blitz only. Michael Jackson's This Is It for example. But most of them are gonna be released wide.

Plus, from now on, those who loves to scream can buy early tickets of INAFFF 2009 (formerly known as Screamfest). What is INAFFF? It's a movie festival specialized in fantasy movies and horror movies. Interesting? I bet it is.

So, it's worth to expect highly on October.
PS: for more info about INAFFF, click here.

Indonesian Movies These Days

Wow, it took quite a time to manage an idea!

Hari ini, post pertama dalam bahasa Indonesia. Berbicara mengenai perfilman dalam negeri, rasanya sebagian besar masyarakat Indonesia sudah tahu bahwa film-film Indonesia banyak bergelut di genre horror, romantisme, dan juga komedi seks.

Tidakkah itu mengecewakan? Di genre horror, tak ada kreativitas. Cerita yang dangkal, hantu yang tidak bervariatif (kalau tidak pocong ya kuntilanak), dan kualitas lain yang secara keseluruhan sangat mengecewakan.

Di genre romantis, ceritanya kebanyakan juga sangat klise, yang dapat dengan mudah ditebak akhirnya saat film berjalan sekitar 15 menit. Kalau pun ada kesan variasi, variasi tersebut merupakan plagiat atau contekan dari film luar. Sedangkan komedi seks terjebak pada cerita yang amat sangat membosankan, sangat tidak berbobot dan mendidik! Kurang mengecewakan dari mana lagi? Yang terakhir, film-film religi. Sejak kesuksesan Ayat-Ayat Cinta, nampaknya para produser ingin mengekor kesuksesan mereka, dan salah-salah, genre ini akan terjebak pada lingkaran kemonotonan layaknya genre-genre yang sudah disebutkan di atas.

Untunglah, belakangan ini, dunia perfilm-an Indonesia sudah sedikit berkembang. Film-film bertema umum atau pendidikan sudah mulai nampak. Tahun lalu, kita sudah bisa bersyukur dengan adanya film seperti Laskar Pelangi yang cukup baik, dan tahun ini, semakin banyak variasi dalam dunia perfilm-an Indonesia. Di awal tahun kita mendapati cerita menarik dari film Sepuluh, komedi yang cukup segar dari Kambing Jantan, dilanjutkan dengan Horror yang berbeda di Pintu Terlarang. Selanjutnya masa liburan sekolah diawali dengan 2 buah film keluarga yang menanamkan rasa nasionalisme pada King dan Garuda Di Dadaku, selanjutnya ada film laga (Merantau), hingga film perjuangan kemerdekaan, Merah Putih.

Di samping itu, terdapat film indie dengan kualitas cerita luar biasa untuk ukuran film Indonesia, yaitu Cin(t)a. Yang terbaru terdapat film animasi karya anak bangsa yaitu Meraih Mimpi. Untuk akhir tahun, akan dirilis sekuel dari Laskar Pelangi yaitu Sang Pemimpi.

Diharapkan bahwa para sineas film Indonesia terus berjuang membuat film-film berkualitas sehingga masyarakat Indonesia dapat menikmatinya terus, dan film-film lokal dapat bersaing dengan film-film luar. Apakah film-film dengan tema variatif berkualitas baik dapat terus diproduksi dan berkembang? Bisa saja. Selama masyarakat mau untuk mendukungnya dan selama para produser tidak terjebak untuk membuat film-film yang itu-itu saja.

Kenali (film) negerimu, cintai (film) negerimu!

Summer Summary

I should've write this things for weeks, but better late than never, right?

Summer is officially over. And we're going to look back over this summer. How is it? In my opinion, this summer is the worse for the last 3 years. Compared to 2007? It is worst than it. Compared to 2008? It's nothing.

Even 2007 have something good and refreshing for example Transformers, and uniquely, 2009 also has Transformers, but with longer duration, more explosion, but less in quality.

Too explosive eh?

2009 is too sequel and most of them are too rotten. Sequels like X-Men Origin, Terminator Salvation, and Transformers 2 has failed to impress in quality, both in story nor the direction. The rest of them? Too pop-corn and too summer. For examples, G.I.Joe, G-Force, etc.

But thankfully, there are still numbers of good movies although not as explosive as 2008's. Last summer we still got Up, Star Trek, Drag Me To Hell (finally, good horror movie!), District 9, and the latest, Inglorious Basterds. Those movies like an oasis in the dessert.

Some of the oasis:
Star Trek

But still, compared to 2008, 2009 is quite bad. Last year, we have lot of quality movies. Summer started with incredible Iron Man, followed by Kungfu Panda, Wall-E, and meet the climax in that phenomenal Dark Knight.

Right, 2009? Hope this fall will be better.
By the way, Inglorious Basterds is going to be released very soon in Indonesia! Don't miss it!

August, so far

Gosh, it's August already! And it's my first movie post. Flixster being abandoned, my blogs has been left. Gosh! Fuck School.

Right, to the topic.

After weeks of crap movies topping the box office, we finally see something fresh (based on rotten tomatoes).
Last week, District 9 topped the box office. This week? Probably Inglorious Basterds. Inglorious Basterds as everyone know, is Quentin Tarrntino's latest hits. It star's Oscar's Nominee Brad Pitt, Eli Roth, Diane Kruger. It should be nice, for it has nice reviews since the first release in Cannes Film Festival. Hope that it will be released in Indonesia, soon.

For upcoming movies that worth to expect, here are the trailers:

"Lovely Bones"

Why it's worth to expect? The director is 'that' Peter Jackson, plus Saoirse Ronan, Mark Wahlberg, and Rachel Weisz. So? Wait for it next January.


Why it's worth to expect? Well, not sure. It's Paul Bettany and Dennis Quaid. Could be like Constantine.

Next movies are Benecio Del Toro's Wolfman and James Cameron's upcoming movie: Avatar.
Sorry, no trailer yet, but soon there will be. All movies mentioned above will be released next year. Be patient ok?

Sequel Plan.

Sequel. Anyone do not know what sequel is? Let's see.

Sequel: a work in literature, film or other media that chronogically portrays events following those of a previous work.

Sequel is a popular things, especially in movies industry. The distributor and the producer usually make sequels in order to finish the story line (for example, the LOTR series), satisfy the fans, or to earn more money. In the movie history, there's time when the sequel is even better than the preceding movie (ex. The Dark Knight), but there are numbers of movie, that it's reputation is broke because of the unnecessary sequel (Lion King 2, various Disney Classic's sequels.).

Usually, sequels is made after a movie receive good reception in either box-office or critical. But, there are special occassion where a sequel is even worked before the preceding movie is released! Curious? Here are some example:

1. Pirates of Caribbean: At The World's End

This final installment was worked already before the Pirates of Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest was released. Fortunately, Dead Man's Chest perfomed superbly in box-office chart, so they were proudly announced the release date for At The World's End soon after Dead Man's Chest released. Wanna know how At The World's End performed? It performed well in Box-office, but not in front of the critics. I should say, the worse Pirates of Caribbean of all. But this plan is acceptable, for Dead Man's Chest leave "to be continue" sign in viewer's head.

2. G.I.Joe: Rise of Cobra

G.I.Joe is a famous toy figurine produced by Hasbro, and this toy series has been developed in comics, tv-series (cartoon), and the latest, at the cinema. For your information, till this post was made, G.I.Joe: Rise of Cobra is yet to be released, and it has no review at all in Rotten Tomatoes. Meaning, the quality is still questionable. But the producer has proudly announce the sequel project already, slated for next summer stated the director, Stephen Sommers. It's quite crazy, for there are no guarantee at all the first movie is going to succes!

3. Twilight Saga: Eclipse

Twilight was a mass hit when released in cinema. Groupies were willing to wait all night long in queuing front of the cinema, in order to see the movie's premiere. This year, the sequel is going to be released, but the 3rd installment, meaning the sequel's sequel has been planned and worked already! The director has been chosen,David Slate, Bryce Dallas Howard has been chosen to play Victoria, and the production is about to start (on August '09), planned to be released next summer! Crazy? No, Maniac!

These are some example how crazy producer and distributors are. Money factor? Definitely maybe!

Obama's Hollywood Movies?

United States, as you know is one of the most powerful and famous country in the world, and so do it's movie industry famously known by the name "Hollywood".

And so far, United States has stared it's President in movies, whether it's fictional like pictured in Bill Pulman's as the president Independence Day, classic Peter Seller's President as in Dr.Strangelove, till the crazy Leslie Nielsen as he portrayed it in Scary Movies' franchise, and recently, the name of the incumbent president, Barrack Obama was mentioned in empty movie with extraordinary effect, Transformer:Revenge of the Fallen!

Plus lots of actors has portrayed real life president such as Frank Langela in Frost/Nixon and Anthony Hopkins in Nixon (both of them played US former president: Richard Nixon), and the lately Josh Brolin played as George W.Bush in W.

Right, now there are speculation and rumor, stating that Hollywood will make Obama's biopic. Note: it's not Obama's Deception. Till now, there are no news talking about who is going to direct this, but rumour speculate around Oliver Stone, Michael Mann, Steven Spielberg, and many other famous name. It said that there are 2 top candidate of actors who is going to play Obama: Denzel Washington and Will Smith. It said that Obama has approve both of them, especially Denzel. For Will Smith, it said that he is able to, for his ears are similar with Obama's.

Obama for Movie?

Interested? Definitely, maybe.
Notes: this is called rumor, not yet official, alright? If you want something official, wait for Leo DiCaprio for his next role, Theodore Rosevelt (The Rise of the Theodore Rosevelt, 2011).

Alice In Update!

Expecting something good, entertaining, maybe freaky? Expect Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland!

The story as everybody know, about Alice who fell into a rabbit hole only to find herself in another world called Wonderland. And her adventure begins.

Couple month ago, Disney as the distributor released couple pictures, Johnny Depp as the Mad Hatter, edited Helena Bonham Carter as the Red Queen and also Anne Hathaway as the White Queen.

Now, recently they finally released the trailer (yesterday actually)! Here it is.

So Burton! With great cast consist of Johnny Depp, Helena Bonham Carter, Anne Hathaway, plus Alan Rickman, there are no reason why this movie should fail.

Can't wait to see it obviously.
Remember the date: March 5th 2010. I'll see you at the cinema.

PS: Next March eh? It's my hardest period in school life! one month away from the final national exam.

Good Unreleased Movie

This summer, we saw lots of box-office movies in cinema this summer, and sadly most of them are bellow average (of being good one).

Here's recent summer movie's problem:
1. Too sequel and boring
2. No Talk Action Only.
3. Big project, directed by unknown and inexperience director
4. Usually have big holes on it plot

And some big names that can be considered as those crap movies are Transformer: Revenge of the Fallen, Terminator Salvation, X-Men Origin: Wolverine, and probably, dozens of movies joined them. Sadly, those movie released in Indonesia.

As a result of those movies, sometimes it's better to seek less-known movie or can be called indie movie. Sometimes, movies like this is heavy on plot, unlike the popular box-office movie which usually heavy on the budget, and interactive (plus unique).

Here's some good movies that highly recommended but sadly might not be released in Indonesian Cinema:

The Hurt Locker
Click here to see the trailer

(500) Days of Summer
Click here to see the trailer

Click here to see the trailer

And from foreign (meaning non-Hollywood)

Summer Hours
Click here to see the trailer

Plus some famous name such as Bruno (that might be too vulgar for Indonesian).
And we have to wait those title to be released in Indonesia or hope that Jiffest will show those this year.

Anyway cheers! Up is going to be released next week, and this week, it is midnight already! See you in the cinema!

Welcome to the red carpet!

Welcome, this is the spawn of my other blog, gregoriusrnaldo.blogspot.com!
If gregoriusrnaldo talk mostly about life, whether it's my personal life or non-personal life, this site will talk about movie and cinema!

Other post will be posted or written as soon as I have something to post to.
But, for those who really enjoy movie, please visit my flixster account. Flixster is the site where I wrote my personal movie review and share it with others. Feel free to add my account!
