Summer Summary

I should've write this things for weeks, but better late than never, right?

Summer is officially over. And we're going to look back over this summer. How is it? In my opinion, this summer is the worse for the last 3 years. Compared to 2007? It is worst than it. Compared to 2008? It's nothing.

Even 2007 have something good and refreshing for example Transformers, and uniquely, 2009 also has Transformers, but with longer duration, more explosion, but less in quality.

Too explosive eh?

2009 is too sequel and most of them are too rotten. Sequels like X-Men Origin, Terminator Salvation, and Transformers 2 has failed to impress in quality, both in story nor the direction. The rest of them? Too pop-corn and too summer. For examples, G.I.Joe, G-Force, etc.

But thankfully, there are still numbers of good movies although not as explosive as 2008's. Last summer we still got Up, Star Trek, Drag Me To Hell (finally, good horror movie!), District 9, and the latest, Inglorious Basterds. Those movies like an oasis in the dessert.

Some of the oasis:
Star Trek

But still, compared to 2008, 2009 is quite bad. Last year, we have lot of quality movies. Summer started with incredible Iron Man, followed by Kungfu Panda, Wall-E, and meet the climax in that phenomenal Dark Knight.

Right, 2009? Hope this fall will be better.
By the way, Inglorious Basterds is going to be released very soon in Indonesia! Don't miss it!

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